In the run-up to World Ocean Day – we’re calling out to our community to highlight the many ways the ocean benefits us and the actions we need to take to protect it.
We had a catch-up with our friend Tom Losey, founder of Liquid Therapy a multi-award-winning charity based in Donegal, Ireland which provides inclusive and adaptive surf therapy programmes.
Learn how the ocean provides essential mental health and wellbeing benefits, and why we can’t afford to take it for granted.

Q: What does Liquid Therapy mean to you Tom?
A: “To me, 3 words sum up Liquid Therapy
Inclusion: Providing equal and supportive access to the water
Fun: Something we can often overlook
Family: A tribe and sense of belonging.”
Q. What inspired you to establish Liquid Therapy?
A. “What inspired me was seeing first hand the physical & therapeutic benefits of the water on people living with autism! When I was in uni, I read an article about Surfers Healing in California, a surf camp for children with autism. I decided that was how I was going to spend my summer! I volunteered over there spending a lot of time in the background helping out, as I wasn’t deemed ready for the water. Towards the end of the summer a family arrived, the dad had a leg injury, and was unable to bring his son into the water, so I got my opportunity!
The boy was experiencing a challenging moment on the beach but as we walked into the water in Malibu, he diffused. He relaxed, his hands came down and he was at peace. When we came out, that sensory overload came back, it was very immediate. The whole experience was very emotional for his mom and dad – and I got to experience the community support that day on the beach and the positive impact of the ocean on that little surfer and his family. I knew then this therapy worked and when I came back to Ireland, Liquid therapy happened very organically.”

Q. What are some of the key programmes you organise?
A. “We run 2 main programmes at Liquid Therapy. One is The Surf Experience, an entry point for any young person with a diagnosis or undergoing challenges. This is one-to-one tailored support from building sandcastles to surfing – providing an opportunity to experience the ocean environment.
The second one is A Drop In The Ocean (ADITO) our mental wellbeing programme.This programme was born during covid, seeing a worrying pattern of mental health issues. 1 in 3 people have trouble with mental health but if you have a diagnosis this statistic goes up to 2 out of 3; there’s a stark difference there. This 8 session programme brings together physical, social & wellbeing benefits of the ocean and provides a strong platform for education and learning.”

Q. What impact does the ocean have on the people who come to Liquid Therapy?
A. “That moment of calm, happiness and positivity for the young people and the families we serve. This can be hard to come by for them on a day-to-day basis, sometimes they are just surviving. Our programmes give them what we call “the ripple effect”. They experience the impact on the day, the afterglow the day after the surf session and look forward to the next one; the ocean provides positive moments that help families through their challenges.”
”We only have one ocean and we’re only really understanding its power and potential as a therapeutic space. It’s so freely available but it's so overlooked. We have to come together to provide education to people in order to protect it; we only have one!
Tom Losey, Liquid Therapy

Q. As June 8th is World Ocean Day, promoting ocean protection, what one action/message would you give to people on behalf of the ocean?
A. “We only have one ocean and we’re only really understanding its power and potential as a therapeutic space. It’s so freely available but it’s so overlooked. What we’re seeing is kids that participate who live far from the coast, have no idea that their actions impact the ocean. They don’t understand that the rubbish they throw away can end up in the ocean, and only see the impact when they come to us. We have to come together to provide education to people in order to protect it; we only have one!”

If you’d like to learn more about Liquid Therapy and the incredible work they do visit their website here.
If you’re an ocean advocate and would like to learn more about an OCEANR brand partnership get in contact today.